LMP Market Design

LMP Market Design

Scott Harvey - Local Marginal Pricing Market Power

CO2 Pricing, Renewables and Renewable Integration

Important changes in electricity markets over the period since 2007 have been the increasing importance of renewable generation resources and efforts to introduce state or regional CO2 emission pricing designs. Many renewable, zero or low CO2 emitting resources are also intermittent resources, and their characteristics pose challenges for the reliable operation of the grid as their share of power output increases.

Scott M. Harvey, "EDAM GHG Design: Resource Shuffling and the GHG Supply Stack," California ISO-Western EIM MSC Meeting, October 21, 2022.

Scott M. Harvey, "Reliability Gaps and Market Performance Metrics, Part V-2021 Update" New York ISO, ICAP/MIWG Meeting, February 3, 2022.

Scott M. Harvey, "Reliability Gaps and Market Performance Metrics, Part II" New York ISO, ICAP/MIWG Meeting, April 20, 2021.

Scott M. Harvey, "Reliability Gaps and Market Performance Metrics," New York ISO, ICAP/MIWG Meeting, March 19, 2021.

William W. Hogan, "Carbon Pricing in Organized Wholesale Electricity Markets," FERC Technical Conference, AS20-14-000, September 30, 2020.

James Bushnell, Scott Harvey, Benjamin Hobbs, "Opinion on Flexible Ramping Product Enhancements," Market Surveillance Committee of the California ISO, September 9, 2020.

Jason Mann, Scott Harvey and Martina Lindovska, "Essential System Services in the National Energy Market," August 14, 2020, prepared for the Australian Energy Security Board.

Scott Harvey and NYISO Staff, "NYISO Reliability Gap Assessment Appendix B, in New York ISO, 2019 Reliability and Market Considerations for a Grid in Transition," December 20, 2019.

Joseph Cavicchi and Scott Harvey, "Ramp Capability Dispatch and Uncertain Intermittent Resource Output," Rutgers Center for Research in Regulated Industries, 31st Annual Western Conference, June 21, 2018.

William Hogan, "Best Electricity Market Design Practices," January 2018.

William W. Hogan, "An Efficient Western Energy Imbalance market with Conflicting Carbon Policies," September 28, 2017.

Scott M. Harvey, "California ISO and MISO Experiences and Prospective Operational Challenges for the New York ISO," Prepared for New York ISO Environmental Advisory Council, Albany, NY, November 4, 2016

William W. Hogan, "Electricity Markets and the Clean Power Plan, September 21, 2015.

Scott Harvey, "Managing Uncertain Intermittent Resource Output in the Unit Commitment and Dispatch," June 17, 2013, Rutgers Center for Research in Regulated Industries, 26th Annual Western Conference.

Scott M. Harvey, "Flexi Ramp Product Design Issues", California ISO Market Surveillance Committee Meeting, October 19, 2012

Scott M. Harvey, "Adapting Ancillary Service Markets, Products, and Scheduling to Accommodate Intermittent Generation," EUCI Ancillary Services and Markets Conference, June 13-14, 2011.

William W. Hogan, "Electricity Wholesale Market Design in a Low-Carbon Future," Mosele, Boaz, Jorge Padilla and Richard Schmalensee, Harnessing Renewable Energy in Electric Power Systems: Theory, Practice, Policy. Washington, DC: RFF Press, 2010.

Scott Harvey and Susan Pope, "Evaluation of MVP Transmission Cost Allocation Design," Prepared for the Midwest ISO, June 9, 2010.

Scott Harvey and Susan Pope, "Evaluation of Midwest ISO Injection/Withdrawal Transmission Cost Allocation Design," Prepared for the Midwest ISO, March 5, 2010 (Updated April 15, 2010).