LMP Market Design

LMP Market Design

Scott Harvey - Local Marginal Pricing Market Power

Transmission Expansion, Cost Allocation and Performance Incentives

The papers in this section discuss the evaluation of the benefits from transmission expansion and designs for allocating the costs of regulated transmission investments across transmission customers.

William W Hogan, "Transmission Investment Beneficiaries and Cost Allocation: New Zealand Electricity Authority Proposal," Febuary 1, 2020

William W Hogan, "Allocating Costs Commensurate with Multiple Transmission Benefits," June 8, 2012

James Bushnell, Scott Harvey, Benjamin Hobbs, "Opinion on the Integration of Transmission Planning and Generator Interconnection Procedures," Market Surveillance Committee of the California ISO, March 9, 2012.

William W. Hogan, Transmission Benefits and Cost Allocation. HEPG Paper. May 31, 2011.

William W. Hogan, Juan Rosellòn and Ingo Vogelsang,"Towards a Combined Merchant-Regulatory Mechanism for Electricity Transmission Expansion," Journal of Regulatory Economics, Vol. 38, No. 2, October 2010.

Scott Harvey and Susan Pope, "Evaluation of MVP Transmission Cost Allocation Design," Prepared for the Midwest ISO, June 9, 2010.

Scott Harvey and Susan Pope, "Evaluation of Midwest ISO Injection/Withdrawal Transmission Cost Allocation Design," Prepared for the Midwest ISO, March 5, 2010 (Updated April 15, 2010).

William W. Hogan, Juan Rosellòn and Ingo Vogelsang,"Towards a Combined Merchant-Regulatory Mechanism for Electricity Transmission Expansion,"April 14, 2007.

Scott M. Harvey and Susan L. Pope, "Defining and Implementing Transmission Maintenance Performance Incentives in LMP Markets," Infocast Transmission Summit 2006, March 15, 2006.

Scott M. Harvey, "Benefit Analysis and Cost Allocation for Regulated Transmission Investment," Prepared for Midwest ISO, October 4, 2004.

William W. Hogan, "Comment on Transmission Cost Allocation Proposal New England Power Pool and ISO New England Inc," August 21, 2003 filed in Docket No. ER03-1141.

William W. Hogan, "Transmission Market Design," April 4, 2003.

William W. Hogan, "Market-Based Transmission Investments and Competitive Electricity Markets," in Avoiding the Pitfalls: Lessons for Electricity Restructuring, Andrew N. Kleit, editor, The Independent Institute, Oakland, CA, 2002.